Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Planetary Alignment

Having read a lot of Zecharia Sitchins books I find the above very interesting.  I do honestly believe that there is far more to life than meets the eye.  We tend to find our own little niche and then sometimes we find it hard to open our minds to other things.  We are comfortable just being.

We survive under all sorts of headings, each heading is important though as there are many under that same theme and who is to say which is the correct one.  To me the importance survives all things and each aspect is that of something far greater, therefore to a certain extent they are all correct but we have to combine them to travel to something out of this world.  The true meaning of us of ALL.

There are many pointers which have been uncovered through people like Sitchin, much can be made of the archaeology factors, the scientific values we just have to open our minds and not be afraid.

There are many authors who have tried to point the way to something else, there are many cultures which have had a greater truth than we sometimes perceive.  I personally like the Kuhuna aspect, the basis of their truth is "do no harm to another".  Hard at times we know as we are all on a learning curb.  Their values are worth reading though and they have been put together by Max Freedom Long.

Another aspect I have undertaken are the thoughts of Jose Silva.  Without any training, he worked from a very young age on the aspect of levelling the brain so that the left and the right are equal.  It is at this level we are able to learn by tuning into our own intelligence, something which can lead us to a far greater understanding. 

So we say these authors are in it for the money, of course they are to a certain extent but arent we all trying to make a living.  We have the right to say yes or no but if we deny ourselves their research perhaps we deny ourselves the pleasure of knowing and growing.  Their wealth can be ours, our spiritual progression if we are interested.


Well it began ok, lovely sun, the girls were able to go to the park and to sunbathe outside.  Dogs were able to wander around the garden and were no trouble at all but then, down came the rain.  Oh dear, thankfully we had a launderette handy to dry clothes.

The park itself has a lovely Leisure Centre with water facilities, these are a great favourite of the girls and as one can imagine, it was packed every day.

Sadly we have just read that a young boy has just lost his life through slipping off of a slipway, not far from where we were staying.  Such a young life gone just like that how the parents must be suffering.  It seems to me that the things I used to take for granted as a child, have become more dangerous.  I suppose as children we do not see the dangers but they have been there all of the time.

I used to spend hours in the sea and yet now I do not feel comfortable letting the girls do the same, consequently they have not had this experience.  My mother would pack up sandwiches which by the time we came to eat them were squashy but enjoyable.  We used to sit for hours on the sand, parents in deckchairs with mum dolling out the food.  By the time we finished our castles our sandwich would have a gritty taste.  Days gone by which we enjoyed.

No cars in those days so we would walk to the train station, quite a walk to begin with, we would then wait a while for the train.  Today it is an experience for the youngsters to go by train, indeed we are considering a treat and taking the old route to days goneby.  

Anyway back we came after a wet holiday and....arghhhhhhhhhh the weeds.....my how they had grown. Bless em at least we had a welcome home.

Our old bridge.