Friday, 29 July 2016

He still wont wake up...

I let Scrooge loose hoping that Reubens would wake up but no good at all.  He seems to have gone into hibernation, I am going to have to educate him on the whys and wherefores of life.)


Ah well I guess it is left up to me again....Celebrity Big Brother has begun, is it going to be good, is it going to be fun.  I think this time around the winner has already been chosen (nothing unusual) if he can last the course.  Biggins, a great entertainer but he seemed to me to be struggling with his breath as he walked the stairs.  As we get older that which we saw as fun in our early days, becomes a burden.  He is a large fellow and at risk of a heart attack, I like him though.

Another face was Ricky, he played the part of Fats (could never understand why as he has a very acceptable figure), in Eastenders.  I like him but I have a feeling of caution just watching him but time will tell if he is going to be a winner.

Light a candle to heal the world, heal the world then heal the universe.

Thursday, 28 July 2016



Wow, hey folks, what happened to December!!  Reubens the Royal here again, well guess what, it didnt happen.  The Misses didnt go off with Santa Claus.  I was crafty, I crept out in the middle of the night, took the sign "Santa Please Call Here" I moved it down the road and put it in a neighbours house.  I think they are still together bless em.  Wicked!

Well Xmas was hectic as it always is, we had the Scrooge's sister over with all of her adult family.  She was just a little bit naughty and kept on trying to escape, not sure why but I am certain it couldnt have been Scrooge and my fault, we tried to make her welcome, maybe she just didnt like the attention (big grins).

Havent got much to tell at the moment, it has been so cold here. I have snuggled down in my basket as warm as can be, I am not daft.  Two trees were blown down in the gales and I have to admit that at times it seemed as though the roof was going to leave us, the winds were so strong.  Two flat roofs in danger of collapsing, not much has really happened, the walls are still standing (psst only kidding).


Ere folks, I am sneaking a crafty one in here, don't tell the Missus as I really want to sleep.  I had a crafty look at the list and saw this one still in the preview section, my paws are to big and I was hoping that the Missus would send it off for me but, she didn't, I should have known better.  I wrote this way back, I guess it was the last one after my previous Christmas worry.  Ok back to sleep now.

                                                        What shall I dream of now?

Come on Reubens Wake Up

"Will you leave me alone woman, I am trying to have a sleep and I am protecting my dignity here.  Stop trying to get out of using your own mind".

Oh dear he still doesnt want to play, I suppose I had better leave him alone for a while, I wonder what he is dreaming of.  He has had too much time off to be honest, maybe he is trying to get his mind into gear, ah well.  Will try again later...

So what can we talk about, did anyone watch Big Brother?  Did I hear someone say yes?  Well over the years it has got worse, the powers that be deem it necessary to portray hatred and cynical tasks. Tasks which put the HMs at each others throats.  This time, we had a few older ones and many young who seemed to thrive for a while.  We had the usual nonsense of supposed romance, one which was very nasty and thankfully the bloke was voted out second.  We then had some idiot who tried to play in front of the camera all the time, it was so noticeable as he would glance and then act, boring.

The sad thing about the younger element as they were evicted at least 5 of them deemed it unfair.  Where was their dignity I ask myself, it was a game and they lost but they took on the whole public with their selfish voices.  We know that many would have agreed but on the other hand, the greater part did not for they were evicted.

Some may say, why do you go on watching it, well it is like a bad book one has to get to the end hoping that it will improve.  Sadly BB never does it gets worse, unfortunately, the older generation who have been there since day one will gradually give up and find something better to do.  This will leave the younger generation to believe that it is the norm thus will it affect their behaviour?  The mind boggles and I am thankful that I am of the older generation.  It does make me wonder though what the older generation will be like in years to come if the younger follow Big Brother's confidence now.

Big bottoms seem to be the name of the game, many are just filling their posteriors with a load of rubbish in my opinion.  Boobies and Bottoms and where do they show it off to, on Big Brother!!  Ah well so be it, each to their own.

One HM had a dig at another calling her an acorn, I laughed as she has a lot of growing up to do and she needs to get her ego in place but from little acorns, great oak trees grow.  Mind you it takes a long long time so will there be hope for her?  LOL...

                                                              Yea Olde Oak Tree

Another Day Dawneth

Juan doesnt seem to have much in the vaults of my mind, I seem quite placid at the moment.  Will have to look back over my writings in the past and see what I can find.

Over the years because of many trials and tribulations I have found it a great healer to write things down.  I have advised many to do it as it puts a lot of things into perspective, the worrying things are being put down and in the open.  They are not mulling around in ones mind.  One can write whatever he/she wants to, dont worry as noone needs to see it unless you want it shown.  Mind you I did advise a certain person to do it, he wrote three diaries of utter lies and trash and he got found out in the end, had to laugh at that one.  He was in total denial and still until this day, he has never ever owned up to the fact that it takes two to tango.  I find this sad as unto thine own self be true is a great virtue to possess.  If he had been truthful maybe he wouldn't have destroyed his childrens faith in him.  Thereagain maybe it was his karma something which I strongly believe in,

For me there is so much sense in the aspect of karma and reincarnation, why should some suffer and others not?  Not sure if I have written on these things before so I had better leave it for a while.

The mature tree has so much wisdom to relate.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Wake up Sleepyhead....

Hey Ruben wake up lad, it is about time you wrote some more whatever have you been up to since you last wrote in the blog.

He doesnt seem interested at the moment, I wonder if our floating cat will help?

A New birth

Isn't it awful how one forgets how to do things, I am such a fool at times but I do like writing so I must make the effort to sort this out so that I may continue with our Reubens the Royal.  He is still with me but I now have three other dogs staying, so 5 in all.  I am looking after my daughter's three dogs until she is rehoused.

Such a lot has happened since I wrote last, sadly I lost my husband Rob in January of this year, I admire him greatly as he went through the ordeal of cancer.  He was so brave with chemotherapy and knowing that he was not going to make it.  He had an extra 18 months which I was grateful for but I felt so sad that he had to go.

So now what do I do, this is the thing which is utmost on my mind, I have a wonderful family but they each have their own lives to live.  I have two grandchildren with me but one is 19 and will soon be leaving home.  The other is 16 and going through the stage of being an adult.  I treasure them both along with my other grandchildren.  I now have one great-grandchild but have not seen her since she was born as she lives away.  I was honoured to be there at her birth, one of the most wonderful things of life to see a soul entering this world, I wonder what it will hold for her.

Here we are again..

Well well well, I have been trying for ages to get back into composing on my blog, will keep this short as I want to see if it works.