Friday, 13 October 2017

I have decided...

In my royal status I have decided if the mistress says OFF I will say "Off with her head" (psst can I do that in this day and age or am I really on the wrong page?).

It isnt as though I sleep on the chair, hey who put that bloomin picture there?

Just look at that it is Scrooge with the young mistress's cat.  He went there to stay the other day he was treated with respect in every way.  Mmm maybe I had better change my home, stay put never to roam.  I think I will just wait and see if my mistress considers poor little me.

You never know she may buy me a chair a fine regal throne but not to share, it will be mine it is only fair.  The others will just have to lay on the floor, oh my goodness what a bore.  Ere how am I supposed to sit on that one, it is far to big, I am only little and upon consideration it is far to dear.  That plan is out the window I fear.

Ah well back to the drawing board as they say, will have to consider another day.

Yours forever 
HRH Reubens the Royal.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Oh dear I fear...

Hello everyone, I thought I would relate my troubles, I am worried as our mistress has decided to change the decor, rip up the carpet out with the chairs, I am shaking in my paws do I hear you saying "what for".  Now dont be a bore, instead of "out" or "leave" it will be "OFF" at the top of her voice nothing at all for me to rejoice.  No more playing on the bloomin suite for I fear she will want to keep it all very neat!!!.

Now look my friends, I am sure you will agree, there is nothing wrong it is plain to see.  The carpet is perfect the chairs are a blessing, now come on people you know I am not messing.  In our doggie world they are a treat to behold, we have fashioned them to our own way of thinking.  A little rub here a little rub there and behold a lovely doggie chair.  The carpet we trod as light as a feather mind you it all depended on the bloomin weather.  So what is the fuss I do declare I am inclined to think it isnt fair. 

Ok I will just have to put my Royal status in play, I am going to have to tell her "If you want me to stay I want my chair, where you put it I really dont care"!!!  Hey did I hear her saying if I am not careful it will go outside along with myself, arghhhhhhhhhh I really do think I had better hide.

Ok your miserable doggie friend
HRH Reubens the Royal.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Hi Folks Reuben here....

Hi ya folks, Reuben the Royal here, havent written for so long, there has been such a lot happening in my domain but I thought I had better show my face once again..

Just look at that handsome creature, the nose the cheek, mmm which is my best feature?

Well Christmas will soon be on us again, sadly I wont have to worry for my master left us, so it isnt the same.  Mother is on her own possibly wishing for a sugar daddy but nah she is too old so she will have to put up with me....this handsome laddy. 

So Juan is quiet, nothing going on in the vaults of her mind, (hush now dont be unkind)...we the animals of the house are protecting our lady keeping her spirits uplifted, (ere nothing shady).

I believe you know that once we were two but now we are five and then, and then a kitten snakes alive!  This tiny little thing who thinks he is a dog, he follows us around his mind in a fog.  When we run down the stairs he is on my tail he doesnt even think to hold onto the rail!  I say my tail as the bigger dogs have to be first, they think that secretly they own the place but just look at my face.  Tis I not you, dont be blue but I was here first, I know that dominance is your secret thirst....Ah well....time to sign off I am developing a cough ........

Your Royal Highness
Reuben the Royal.