Friday, 13 October 2017

I have decided...

In my royal status I have decided if the mistress says OFF I will say "Off with her head" (psst can I do that in this day and age or am I really on the wrong page?).

It isnt as though I sleep on the chair, hey who put that bloomin picture there?

Just look at that it is Scrooge with the young mistress's cat.  He went there to stay the other day he was treated with respect in every way.  Mmm maybe I had better change my home, stay put never to roam.  I think I will just wait and see if my mistress considers poor little me.

You never know she may buy me a chair a fine regal throne but not to share, it will be mine it is only fair.  The others will just have to lay on the floor, oh my goodness what a bore.  Ere how am I supposed to sit on that one, it is far to big, I am only little and upon consideration it is far to dear.  That plan is out the window I fear.

Ah well back to the drawing board as they say, will have to consider another day.

Yours forever 
HRH Reubens the Royal.

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