Thursday, 2 November 2017

It's raining, It's pouring (how absolutely boring)!

Ere guess what even though it is raining, I, Reubens the Royal, managed to escape from the house.  I climbed out the window!  Wicked eh, the Mistress didnt even realise as I normally go to sleep under the tea trolley in the corner of the room.  I hear my lady saying "one would never know he was here".

I managed to crawl through to the next garden, left a parcel on the lawn, and then carried on into the next one.  I refreshed myself with a drink from the bowl of water our kind neighbour leaves out for her gardener's dog.  As it was raining I thought it would soon fill up again.  I didnt really think anyone had seen me but alas alack they did,  Our nice neighbour, I heard her telling my mistress all about it, heard the profound apologies for the parcel left on the lawn (grrrr some people are never satisfied).  I dont really think I was out that long, the mistress was just getting ready to come out and look for me when she saw me soaking wet out on the patio.  I went in as meek as a lamb.

Well the next thing was, how can I dry myself so I went up the stairs, into the bedroom and rolled over and over onto the nice clean sheets.  Great, sadly though my mistress had only just put them on the bed, mind you I consoled myself with the thought that she knew I was going to do it and she wanted to make me comfortable, after all I am Royal.

Life gets so hard some days.....

I suppose I had better just look as though I am staying in but I would like to be out, I just cant win.

 Ah wait a minute did I hear a whisper, grrrrr no it's the mistress on the phone relating my escapade to her daughter.
There really has to be a way to let them know that I am ROYAL.  Can they treat me like this, I thought it was a good idea to leave a little parcel and the bowl soon filled up with the rain and and the sheets, mmm well I was dry wasnt I.

Signing off on this miserable day I am in the dry that is all I can say.

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