"The Buddha said, “What is in the past is left in the past”. The present moment is where we are right now yet much of the time we allow events of our past control our feelings in the moment. Only by surrendering to the fact that we cannot change our past can we move beyond whatever suffering we have endured and begin to see life for its full potential.
One of my favorite quotes states that “forgiveness is giving up all hope for a better past”. Recognizing the significance of this statement can be the key to ending a life of suffering. Regardless of how bad things may have been in our past, there is absolutely nothing we can do now to change it. Continuing to carry the burden of what we have endured only prevents us from reaching our potential for living a happier life today".
I have taken the above from another Blog but I have to say that I can agree with the philosophy within. Forgiveness in my eyes is allowing oneself to go on, we have left the hurt behind and we can travel further along our pathway. We cannot change the past but we can learn from it.
Naturally it just depends on what everyone wants out of life, we each have the right to go our own way as we know.
Travelling the roads yesterday, I noticed how green and fresh all the trees are, this year there seems to be something extraordinary about them. Naturally it has to be to do with the rain even so as I looked at each gigantic being which sprang from a "seed" of sorts, they still seemed small when looking further to the sky. It made me think of what was beyond until I finally got to the universes. We are just such tiny little specks of life trying to blend in with the energies of being. Trying our best to fulfil our life span, the way we do it depends on how happy we will be.
I always wonder at the trees, how magnificent they are and what stories could they tell as they have stood for many a year. They have seen mans laughter and they have seen a tear. They have seen the changing of the countrysides to allow the benefit of roads so that we can travel to our destiny faster and hopefully with safety. Gone are the days of the Highway Robber "Stand and deliver or....." and yet sometimes on a long journey, I visualise that which used to be, I feel the roads gone and the ground uneven, the horses and carts and that blessed Highway Man. I guess he should complain to the powers that be for the loss of earnings!!!
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