Hi folks, Juan here, who am I you may ask but I am the subconsciounce, that part of a human vehicle (er indoors in this instance.....lol). We dwell within all mankind and we hold your fears, your troubles, most of all we hold your empathic thoughts.
On the 23rd November 1987, after watching a TV programme on events in 1980, empathic thoughts made me consider two points of view, they came about with the murder of Jean Donovan, a young Catholic Missionery along with 3 American Nuns in El Salvador and the murder of a young lad from El Salvador. Two different sides but one side was trying to help and was killed, then we have retaliation whereby a young lad was also killed.
Two Points of View
"What a beautiful concept Jeannie did say,
When she spoke of the "Lord" at the end of the day.
She remarked "Lord" you promised to walk in my path every hour.
When I walk happy in the sand and I turn face about,
I see two sets of footsteps and I gleefully shout.
But Lord when I need thee and I turn around,
There is only one set of footsteps to be found.
So where are you?
The "Lord" replied in compassionate voice,
"But Jeannie when you see two you know I am there.
Your happiness and love I gladly share.
So when down at heart your faith should be strong,
To see only one set you are surely not wrong,
For that is when with the cloak of compassion,
I carry thee in true love and a heavenly passion".
You know I can remember writing this, it is beautiful verses naturally taken from it's original source but it was played during the programme...
We watch the gentleness of souls that care,
And wonder why we are not there.
We watch their strength and courage through
But wonder why we cannot do
Those things of gentle loving
That springs from caring and sharing
The things that God gave us to see us through this material living.
Many of us wonder whose side God is on, that is if one believes in God, because on the other hand after Jeannie's murder we had the little boy from El Salvador saying, his soul distraught as he spoke of the guns and the fear he should wrought..
"It is not your country it is not your land,
These are my beloveds I will take their hand
And lead them to safety from the cruelty of living
So don't talk of forgiving as you think of your loved ones
Happy and safe in peaceful surroundings away from strife".
For they raped his country, his ideals, his friends
And he wondered when the plundering would end.
Little soul they shot him and as he sank to the ground
He hoped that in oblivion peace would be found.
Our hearts ache for to us it is wrong
We would rather have happiness, joy and song.
The trouble is to these men it is right
They believe for the power they should surely fight.
To plunder and kill those who stand in the way,
Making them feel strong at the end of the day.
Oh dear I will be getting it in the ear from er indoors for getting so serious but life is just that at times, serious so we have to cover both .......
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