Friday, 6 July 2012

Just Thoughts

Yoo hoo, I'm back, I have crept out again whilst Edi is busy typing on her bloomin laptop, I wonder what she is typing?  Anyway lets get down to business, I am here in the vaults of her mind, omg how untidy this woman is, there are so many bits and pieces scattered here there and everywhere.  It really makes it hard for me to keep track of all the things which have happened since her birth.  One day she would think about this and then something else and so on and so on.  However does she expect to get on in the world......I dont know.  I try to make her understand but I honestly think that sometimes she is past redemption, her mind is so scattered.

Well I have had a look in another little box and found another "What If", I dont think that Edi is particularly religious but over the years many things have had to be considered because many things are  part of life.  Anyway it goes something like this:-

"What if pure energy was travelling around the universe, peacefully unaware of anything other than itself, full of contentment happy just to be.  All of a sudden a global darkness was taken into it's midst, it had collided with the sphere we now call Earth.

For a while as though the lights were turned off this section of energy remained still, not knowing what had happened, not realising until, an atom decided to cough!  Within it's own mind, for it was very kind, it realised that all was not right.  So he spluttered and sneezed then moved all about, he tried this and that then started to shout.  He had awakened a voice within that was saying "don't stay still, you must go on praying, you must go on reaching and reaching you must be free, you must return to ME".

Alas alack he was the only one awake, he knew he must act for everyone's sake.  He must pull the energy through earth to return to the bulk of all "human worth".  For by now he knew he must feel, he must sense, he must dispense with the peace, the feeling of just being, he had to start seeing a way to survive to bring the energy alive.

He knew that on his own he could not lead the mass of energy through the darkness of the Earth.  At that moment in time he felt very alone, he could feel the outer energy circles, the part that had been lucky enough to escape the impact of the earth's collision, he could sense their urgency calling to him to pull the whole mass free.

He had to have a plan, he decided to lighten the load and to separate the energies into small atoms of being, giving each atom a sense of responsibility to pull itself through, he gave them life individually.  He called them man.  He told them that the way would be hard as the earth was full of dross, dross that would affect energy in different ways.  Dross that would become known as sin, dross that would make energy forget it's true beginning.

It planted within each particle of energy a sense of survival, a sense to go on, don't give in.  It realised that some energy would be stronger than others.  Some would reach the waiting mass before others but it also knew that those who arrived first would wait for his "brother" for they started together as one.

On their travels they would become sister and brother, father and mother, aunt and uncle, niece and nephew, sons and daughters, cousins and friends.  There was no end to the headings in life but all would begin as "Husband and Wife" united together on a sexual strain to reproduce the energy over and over again until finally the dross is cleared and all that "man" feared is a memory past.  They will be free at last and will unite again, then carry on in the same peaceful vein, until...............


I think this theory fits in with the wondering whether or not Earth is the living entity which has to be cleansed and taken back to it's rightful place in the universe.  Naturally no one really knows but when we look into all things and all peoples thoughts, anything is possible.

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