Friday, 13 July 2012

The weather

Oh dear whatever are we going to do about our weather, it is a case of whether or not it is going to rain or shine.  Sadly the rain is winning at the moment.

How does it affect our moodswings, if it is sunny we feel we can do anything, we feel that we can pull out that weed, plant that seed but then, along comes the rain, is it good or is it not.  With too much the roots will possibly rot and we will have to begin all over again.

If we do not get out into our front garden, our bushes are going to take over, I personally love the privacy but at the moment it is just a little bit too much.  Darent make a start as it will rain again and then I will get the blame!  Always happens, everything is my fault.  If I decide to go on holiday, it rains, clean the outside windows, it rains.

I do not have any desire to go to a warmer climate and yet it would be so good just to have a little bit of sun.  I suppose we have to be thankful that it isnt snow, that is snow joke!!

In the papers this morning, it is saying that the rats are coming out of the sewers looking for food, hope we are safe with two cats because once again I hate the thought of killing anything but we cannot let ourselves be overtaken. 


  1. Well I think the weather is taking the pee personally! I feel sorry for all of those mums who have the long summer holidays looming... imagine having a couple of kids to keep occupied in the pouring rain, all day every day for 6 weeks!

  2. This is what I am worried about Sall, we are taking at least three of our gchildren away, possibly 4. Staying in a static caravan, thankfully there is a launderette there as tbh when the clothes get wet it is difficult to dry. The site has entertainment so hopefully we will be able to keep them occupied.
