Just a short one to say, I have been having a bit of fun with our Reubens but you know folks, he is the most gentlest creature one would wish to own. He loves everyone and makes a fuss of all. It is amazing to think that he hardly ever barks and yet Scrooge barks for the least little thing much to my distress at times. Scrooge is also a loyal one though and I guess one could say he is mine as he follows me around everywhere. Reubens tends to be more for the grandchildren, he adores them.
I always feel so sad when I see the cruel pictures of some who have been illtreated by their owners or other people. I hate to watch films with animals in when they are hurt or when they are killed. I often think about the poor old horse who in days gone by were slaughtered in the name of wars. I wonder what gave man the power to use a soul in such a way. Such is life and there is so much which many would like to alter.
The creatures of the wild.
Hiya Jules, how have you been? I see you've been busy on your blog and doing a good job as well, Hope Reuben is doing well and enjoying himself :)
Hello Inta love, have to admit that I have been enjoying writing in the blog. Hope you are well, give my love to everyone. xx