Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Reubens the Royal

Just look at that profile, this is my haughty look, I think it is pretty good.  Regal, royal, me, Reubens the Royal.  This one was taken when I went away to a place called Brean, I took my lowly friend with me,  I had him grooming me...have to admit that it felt really good.
Whilst we were there the scrooge had his sister come visit, now I suppose we could say she is quite a sweet little thing, they are twins and she is called Holly.  Oh my goodness me, another one "Holly, Holly, wherefore art though Holly" oh boy it is a wonder we have any neighbours left.

I wasnt to impressed with having to sit with these lowly subjects but the trouble is the scrooge tends to get a bit over amorous with his sister, he has no sense of respect.  I keep on telling him it is incest but he doesnt care. 
I had to sit inbetween them in the end just to protect the damsel in distress, he looked away rather ashamed of himself and she looked so coy, mmmm I wonder?

Better close for now and take a cold shower.

HRH Reubens the Royal.

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