Mmm have to explain about this photograph, that lot thought they were going to return me to the shop along with the trolley. I was trying to say to them, "No, No, my mistress didnt buy me there". Talk about going away on holiday, maybe my owners will read this and realise what they tried to do to me!
Can you Adam and Eve it, I managed to get out and then they tried to return the poor old rabbit, I was incognito under the trolley telling the poor old thing to jump out. Noone saw me.
Well all was sorted, I managed to put my royal status into play, I told them that neither of us was going to be returned to any shop. We were staying, mind you as I looked at the lovely beautiful rabbit, I had this awful visualisation, no no it was to awful, I couldnt do that, could I? Mmm, well I am HRH, just wondering if rabbit is on the menu! Nah.....better make do with that grotty old bone if I can get it off of that greedy old Scrooge.
Well this is HRH signing off for now.
Hey thats a bird that isnt me, I give up!!!!! Cant get the staff these days, at one time it would have been "Off with their heads"!!!
Going to look for my royal seal
Reubens the Royal
Disclaimer notice: All trolleys were returned to their rightful owner, clean and in good conditon. The rabbit was returned to his cage unharmed and I, His Royal Highness Reubens the Royal had a rest on a full stomach, no honest the rabbit was returned!
Where is that bloomin Royal Seal!!!!
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