Saturday, 16 September 2017

Evolution or Creation.....possibly both:

Many a theorist have argued over evolution and creation, now what if, when the big bang occurred evolution became fact.  Did we evolve from the fish to the apes and to latter day man, man without much thought.  Did a greater being land upon the earth and decide to mate with the evolution which had occurred, eventually succeeding in creating man as we are today.

If this is so, then both are correct with evolution being the first and creation being the second aspect.  Does it really matter I wonder, we are here now and we just have to make the most of it, we cannot change that which occurred.  Mind you can we?  Mmmm what about parallel dimensions, can we change to one which is peaceful and then dilute this one altogether.  Oh dear the mind boggles!!

So here we are back to the beautiful angels, man or woman or just androgynus.

The beasts united, how do their minds work, are they the more sensible beings, do they know more than us?  Anything is possible.  We tend to think that we are the greatest and in charge of the animal kingdom but I think we will all have such a great surprise at our eventual demise.

Going back to the Big Bang, many deny that it happened so there we are ......... oh dear, if so I am wrong again I fear......(big smiles).  It really isnt important but it keeps the brain active......

Reubens leave, this isnt about you just because you think you are

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