Saturday, 16 September 2017

How to........

Mmmm how to have a committee who agrees with each other, get rid of the ones who dont and ban them from joining again. Go around to some and challenge them until they are in tears and in the end give in. The mind boggles because I thought we were under a democratic rule and that everyone had the right to their say.  Well it doesnt seem that way.

Mind you I joined a committee years ago, I had been going to a Spiritualist Church and was very naive at the time.  I enjoyed every moment of it and thought that they were all spiritual people.  I was under the impression that they realised that everyone had a point of view and each point was valid.  Well after a few years I joined the committee, I wish I hadnt.  I saw behind the scenes and the unfairness which was going on.  The main clique chose and made their own rules for those whom they deemed worthy to be sitting, for another in particular who wanted to join they denied her the right saying that it was the rule.  See they didnt really like her because she smoked and she was very down to earth but willing to learn.  I was amazed tbh.

After a while because I understood everyones point of view I was told by the chairwoman that I had to come down off of the fence and to take sides in a particular thing which was going on.  I couldnt take sides as each of them had a right to their view.  In the end because I wouldnt be hypocritical I left, it broke my heart at the time and I remember crying most of the night.  Silly eh but there we are that was me.  Now it seems that these things are still in play, so sad, so bad.  Always one who wants to be Queen Bee and others who follow like sheep.  I think in this case we have two or three Queen Bees but at times the lefthand doesnt know what the righthand is doing so no matter what even if one is responsible for the beginning of the group in question, it doesnt matter.  After many many years they have decided she doesnt fit in because she dare oppose them.  Life eh but hopefully karma will come into play.

Well a cat and a dog supposed to be enemies, they have sorted out their problems no disputes there bless their cotton sox.  I really think that many animals have the answer, all they want is love and affection and a good meal.  So easy to sort out, I feel sad for those who dislike all animals they are missing out on the love which they return in thanks for a good home and comfort.

Take care everyone, a problem is only a problem when one thinks it cannot be resolved but everything can be resolved one way or another.  If it isnt resolved to our satisfaction then perhaps it isnt the right time for our welfare to come into play.  Rest assured though I do believe we are guided and when one door closes another opens for the good of all.  Positive or negatively it will happen, life teaches but we have to take note of the lessons, work on them and look to the future goal of all mankind not just a few dictorial people who have their own lessons to learn.

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