Sunday, 11 November 2012

Reuben the Royal & Santa Clause

Hi humans and canine friends, Reubens here I have a very sad tale to relate it wasnt now it was at a latter date.  We will all remember that Christmas comes around every year, well last year I shed a miserable tear.  It was like this....on the eve of Christmas I was sleeping on the upstairs landing when I heard this unholy sound.  It shattered the house and it shook the ground.  First of all I opened one eye then the second but then, I wanted to cry.  I had been wondering why the children had left food and milk by the fire grate, mince pies on a lovely Xmas plate.  Why was the ladder put up on the outside wall, do you get the picture, oh please dont bawl.

I heard this tapping on the front door and the mistress walking along the hall and then, oh no, and then, I saw the mistress kissing Santa Clause, yes she was honest!  I couldnt believe my eyes, she thought that I was tucked up fast asleep in my kennel but I wasnt, oh no, I wasnt, I was awake for goodness sake!!!  I didnt know what to do I just sat there on the top stair wondering if I should tell the master but then I thought better of it as it would have been a disaster.

They were under something called mistletoe, I can understand toe but what about mistle, just look at the meaning I found on line ..........
"The tradition of smooching under the mistletoe descends from the customs of several different cultures. For instance, exchanging kisses under the mistletoe was a tradition of Greek festivals and marital ceremonies. If a couple in love exchanges a kiss under the mistletoe, it is interpreted as a promise to marry, as well as a prediction of happiness and long life".

Now you can understand my predicament, all year I have been wondering are they going to marry, what about the master?  It hasnt been a good year for me and now, here we are again, he will return in his red suit and white beard and the clatter on the roof will sound very very weird.  Woe is me once again but your very good Royal I still remain. 

I have a few weeks to go before the eve and I am trying to work out how I can deceive, can I do this....mmmm no it had better be this, I know I can destroy the mistletoe!!! 

Or.....I wonder if I can sneak garlic into the pies, the look on his face would be a great surprise mmm..........A glass of sherry with a sleeping pill, no....that may make him far to ill, not fair when he is working the children would think that he was shirking.  I suppose I could give the sherry to the mistress, then tuck her up in bed......mmmm enough said.  Problem solved YESSSSSSSSS!!!!


Goodwill to all men and women to, to the animals who see man through.  A problem is only a problem when we think it cannot be solved ..............

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Tis me again HRH Reubens the Royal

Well what do you know I have been having a sneaky look at the photographs and I have found the following I told you there would be a duck for me to chase around

Go on say "Aw isn't it lovely" naturally you would think so, wheres my plate and my tissues I am drooling here...!   Guess what else I found in the Hotel yes you guessed it, a fire, I told you I could have sat in front of it.......nobody listens to me though........I bet it looked fantastic when it was lit, little seats and tables in the alcoves.


I thought I had better get in and tell you a bit about the Hotel itself before the Misses says she saw a ghost, she didn't, it shied away from her, I think it was sort of frightened!!, As said it is 15th century it does supposedly have a ghost, a young women who killed herself and now haunts the rocking chair, I didn't say it, that is what the Misses was told!  Well the Hotel itself, I heard her say, is magnificent, I have shown you the fireplace here is the outside.....

The inside is well protected by magnificent Knights in Armour, mind you I don't think the Misses looked to see if there was anyone inside, I guess it is the concept which is frightening, ok call me a shivering little so and so but after all even though I am Royal, I am only a little dog.


Well I am going to walk away from it all for now, hey that isnt me that is the bloomin peacock from the Castle, typical, great big sighs!!

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Oh Yes! - Reubens here Folk....

What a cheek, I see the Misses has been bragging about their trip to the Castle, humph, they didnt take me!!!  I was made to stay at home with the scrooge his sister and her owners.  No fun at all, a threesome, I was the odd one out.

Now they should have taken me, I would have looked good with my royalness, just imagine me sat with Henry and his wives....I am there, can you see me?

What fun I would have had sat at the large banqueting table, the tit bits, it just makes my mouth water but oh no not them, I suppose they didnt want me to overshadow them with my royalness.

I could have sat with the Cordwainer (is that the correct description, a cobler is one who repairs and I think the Cordwainer is one who constructs).   I could have given him instructions and come away with a lovely little pair of pad boots to put on my wall, mind you he was only a model I doubt whether he would have been very tasty had I offered to clean his feet.

I guess I would have had to be satisfied with just chasing the peacocks around and the occasional duck, woe is me!!!
When I get a minute I will tell you about their stay in the 15th century Hotel, I have heard them say it was very interesting, there again I could have gone, I would have looked good sat by the fire, boo hoo!

Phew!!!! Warwick Castle.

As I havent been writing for a while I was just going to write a piece saying that I was disappointed as for ages now I havent been able to get my stats section to work properly.  I love looking at the stats section as it shows how many are reading and what part of the world they are from.  It is just part of the fun.  It keeps me out of mischief, great big laughs there folks.  Well for some reason it seems to have put itself right.

Well I have been busy building up a genealogy tree, trying to link it to others.  It is surprising how helpful the census are and it is interesting to see how surnames change either through family feuds or misrepresentation of the written word.

We had a lovely few days in the latter end of September and the beginning of October, we first visted a cousin in Swansea, Wales.   I felt, as we went over the toll bridge, as though I were going home and yet I am not Welsh, my mother and her siblings, 13 in all, were.  We paid visits to the grandparent in my childhood  and more in my teenage years, other than that my mother kept in touch by letter.  No extravagance of a mobile, phone or car tbh.

After a few days stay back at the caravan, I met up with my old chums from when I was 16 years old, loved it, there was 10 of us, each sharing their conversation and everyone listening.  Great meal and the weather was perfect.

After that we went to Warwickshire Castle, a fantastic medieval place of interest.
The interior was out of this world, how anyone manages to keep it in spit spot condition goodness only knows.  Would hate to have been a servant in those days.
On the greens actors walk around in full costumes, some displaying the arts of the day much to the enjoyment of the onlookers.  Whilst there werent many visitors due to the time of the year, we had two school groups of youngsters.  They were in their element and we were lucky enough to avoid being in queue with them, when  it came to the loos that was a blessing, big grins.
One of the main attractions was the dungeon
This chappie was brilliant as were all the others taking part inside.  Anyone of lesser attributes than the strong amongst us could very well be frightened.  Fright with tears of recognition afterwards.  In the trials section a certain young lady became judge and ruler of the situation, she managed to get my husband up on the stand, excuse my merriment.  Oh boy did she bring him down but he took it all in good fun.  Felt a bit sorry for one young lady though, she was foreign and didnt understand the language, bless her.  All I have to say is the actors were very enthusiastic in their approach and they have to be applauded for their talents.
A great day and well worth a visit if one likes medieval history. 

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Reubens Friends

Morning all, no it is HRH here not Dixon of Dock Green, not that I would remember that it was so long ago.  I promised to bring you a photograph of the lowly creatures who held a place in the hearts of my owners.  Well now, the one on the right is Sam, a much better name for a dog but then, he was a pedigree.  He was bought for about 40-50 pounds, wow, cheap but then, it was a long time ago.  Now he was one of so many siblings having been purchased from a breeder.  Because he hadnt had the attention in his young life, he was very wary and it took a long while for him to trust anyone.  He was supposedly a miniature Dachshund.
Not long after another miniature (ha! ha!) dachs was bought, Tania Rose, what a lovely name, I am told that she was a beautiful little creature.  I have no doubt that she was, as she had the same colouring as I have.  She definitely wasnt miniature though!!  Well the story goes that Sam wooed her and they eventually had a litter of pups, one of which went to another family member, a little female definitely miniature.
On the left hand side, missing out that other King Charles (grrrrrrrrrrr)  we have Smudgie, the offspring of Sam and Tania Rose, if you look closely you will see that he had a kink in his ear.  Now I am told that he had the most beautiful character.  The misses is under the impression that "Home Grown Pups" are the best, they have the love and affection from day one. 
On a daily visit the sibling of Smudgie became pregnant, they were never sure who by, either Sam or Smudgie but being kind hearted and not being sure whether one of the pups would be taken (ha! ha!) the mistress kindly offered to look after it until another home was found (yeh tell me another story!).  This little soul became known as Puppy Dog simply because the mistress didnt want the master to know that he was staying, to all intents and purposes they were only looking after it (stop making me laugh). 
Well this little one was the smallest and the wisest of them all.  The story goes that Smudgie and the other King Charles (will tell you more about him in another episode), were fighting over a bowl of food, whilst Smudgie would share the KC was rather aggressive.  They were literally standing up paws to paws, now the little one didnt pause (clever, ok so it isnt...) he ran underneath the two of them and gobbled the food right up!! 
Ah well enough of the dachshunds, as you will see a King Charles was introduced into the family, the master named him Sundance Kid (wheres the sick bucket!!) the mistress had enough sense to shorten it to Sonnie.  More about him later.
Anyway lets not talk about them, I am the master now, here is another one of me relaxing.. 
Oh no OFF WITH THEIR HEADS I am off to look
for the Chopping Block!!!!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Hi Folks

Just a short one to say, I have been having a bit of fun with our Reubens but you know folks, he is the most gentlest creature one would wish to own.  He loves everyone and makes a fuss of all.  It is amazing to think that he hardly ever barks and yet Scrooge barks for the least little thing much to my distress at times.  Scrooge is also a loyal one though and I guess one could say he is mine as he follows me around everywhere.  Reubens tends to be more for the grandchildren, he adores them.

I always feel so sad when I see the cruel pictures of some who have been illtreated by their owners or other people.  I hate to watch films with animals in when they are hurt or when they are killed.  I often think about the poor old horse who in days gone by were slaughtered in the name of wars.  I wonder what gave man the power to use a soul in such a way.  Such is life and there is so much which many would like to alter.

The creatures of the wild.

Dear Reubens the Royal

Dear Reubens the Royal,

In reply to your notice I am offering my services, I have very little knowledge of dogs but have a great respect for the cat especially when I come across one as clever as this one...

However, I am willing to learn and I have plenty of carrier bags for your special needs. 

Now you ask about a seal well I have been investigating and am wondering if the following will be of use to you..

Darius I (Old Persian Dârayavauš): king of ancient Persia, whose reign lasted from 522 to 486. He seized power after killing king Gaumâta, fought a civil war (described in the Behistun inscription), and was finally able to refound the Achaemenid empire, which had been very loosely organized until then. Darius fought several foreign wars, which brought him to India and Thrace. When he died, the Persian empire had reached its largest extent. He was succeeded by his son Xerxes.

Alternatively there is the above, mmm maybe not, it looks as though once again it may belong to a family and I doubt whether it will fit your paw.

There are many, many seals belonging to different reigns, families, cultures and religions.  It is quite interesting to read if one is totally interested but I think perhaps the following will be your bowl of water...
It has a loop to it which you can attach to your collar.  Hope this will be of service to you, if it is please meet me outside by my van.
Yours sincerely
Dastardly the Dog Catcher.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

My Visitors:

Hi all Reubens the Royal here, I am quite excited, we have some new visitors coming to show themselves.  Naturally they wont be as great as I am, nah, I dont think so anyway?  Mmmm ok maybe they will be better, I know, be careful what you say now.......

No, no, no, they belong to the Queen of England, I know I am Royal but the establishment is very busy and I am way down on the scale of royalty.   In any case I am not sure what doggie biscuits they like.....

Try again......
There they are, mmmm now which behave, let them come to you, although they look bigger than I am.  They look as though they are great pals, is it ok for a Royal person such as I, to say they look fantastic.  Not going to show this picture to my mistress she may want to trade me in boo! hoo!.

Reubens the Royal signing off, am going to look for my seal again, can anyone help me please?
NO, NO, NO not that sort of seal.......
Notice: Wanted:
Staff with sense and knowledge of
how to treat a Royal Canine.
Apply to Reubens the Royal with credentials.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Reubens the Royal

Just look at that profile, this is my haughty look, I think it is pretty good.  Regal, royal, me, Reubens the Royal.  This one was taken when I went away to a place called Brean, I took my lowly friend with me,  I had him grooming me...have to admit that it felt really good.
Whilst we were there the scrooge had his sister come visit, now I suppose we could say she is quite a sweet little thing, they are twins and she is called Holly.  Oh my goodness me, another one "Holly, Holly, wherefore art though Holly" oh boy it is a wonder we have any neighbours left.

I wasnt to impressed with having to sit with these lowly subjects but the trouble is the scrooge tends to get a bit over amorous with his sister, he has no sense of respect.  I keep on telling him it is incest but he doesnt care. 
I had to sit inbetween them in the end just to protect the damsel in distress, he looked away rather ashamed of himself and she looked so coy, mmmm I wonder?

Better close for now and take a cold shower.

HRH Reubens the Royal.

HRH on holiday.

Hiya folks, here I am again, hey cut it out that isnt me!!!!  Who is taking the mickey here, I am the King so in future please refer to me as Your Royal Highness.  Nothing is sacred, now I have to do it myself, where did I put that photograph, ah here it is....

Mmm have to explain about this photograph, that lot thought they were going to return me to the shop along with the trolley.  I was trying to say to them, "No, No, my mistress didnt buy me there".  Talk about going away on holiday, maybe my owners will read this and realise what they tried to do to me! 

Can you Adam and Eve it, I managed to get out and then they tried to return the poor old rabbit, I was incognito under the trolley telling the poor old thing to jump out.  Noone saw me.
Well all was sorted, I managed to put my royal status into play, I told them that neither of us was going to be returned to any shop.  We were staying, mind you as I looked at the lovely beautiful rabbit, I had this awful visualisation, no no it was to awful, I couldnt do that, could I?  Mmm, well I am HRH, just wondering if rabbit is on the menu!  Nah.....better make do with that grotty old bone if I can get it off of that greedy old Scrooge.
Well this is HRH signing off for now. 
Hey thats a bird that isnt me, I give up!!!!!  Cant get the staff these days, at one time it would have been "Off with their heads"!!!
Going to look for my royal seal
Reubens the Royal

Disclaimer notice:  All trolleys were returned to their rightful owner, clean and in good conditon.  The rabbit was returned to his cage unharmed and I, His Royal Highness Reubens the Royal had a rest on a full stomach, no honest the rabbit was returned!
Where is that bloomin Royal Seal!!!!


Sunday, 9 September 2012

Reubens and Scrooge

Hi folks, let me introduce myself, I am Reubens, I belong to the Jules clan (heaven help me).  They are pretty good to me I have to admit, they feed me well and I have managed to keep my weight steady.  Was a bit upset the other day though as I had to go to the vets, lovely young lady but she put her fingers in an orifice which tbh I didnt agree with.  It did hurt and I gave out such a yelp, didnt bite her though.  Well I suppose that is it for another year.

I have this buddy, he is 4 years older than myself, I am 3, on the whole we get along very well but is he selfish!!!  I am the sort who will share my food and bits and pieces with anyone but not him, oh no, he seems to think that because he was first in the house, he has the right to put me down when he is feeding.  Many a time he has had to be pulled off of me because he was showing his temper.  I am one who doesnt like confrontation so I am glad that the elders are about and can keep him in line. 

Guess what they called him, Scrooge, can you imagine it, fancy calling a dog Scrooge although I guess it is true.  Just visualise if you can the masters shouting out "Scrooge where are you, Scrooge, here boy".  Well they turn many a head, daft lot.  Because they cannot shorten it they call him Scroogie, now me they call Rubes.  Strange that how these humanbeings alter given names.  Still here he is, can I issue a quiet grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!   No dont let him hear me, he thinks he is the master of the house (little does he

Not such a good picture of him, I couldnt make him better looking than myself.   See his ears, goodness knows what he has in him, at least I have a pedigree, havent told him though as I am to kind.  I could pull my rank on him tbh, he is a Heinz Variety but I am purebred.  They say that King Charles Spaniels are allowed in any pub due to a law layed down by the King.  Makes me laugh, I am not a snob but when he tries to pull rank on me I do feel like saying "ere watch it mate".  Nah, I am to much of a gentleman to do so.  I titter at the fact though that when I can go inside in the dry, he has to sit outside in the pouring rain!!  Oh I know they wouldnt do that to him, I have to suffer therefore and neither of us partake of man's enjoyment of the English pint.
I will be popping in every so often and will introduce you to some of the dogs who have gone before me, some interesting little stories to tell with some of them but, I'm in charge now so I will just say, "Gone but not forgotten".   Mmm wheres that bone, damn "it" has got it, ah well, just my luck.  I will have a sleep and dream of what might have been.  Note to oneself, get there first next time!

Friday, 7 September 2012

Condescending & Evolution

How does one avoid coming across as condescending.  It is a strange old life we live, we chat to each other in the hope that we will be able to put a point across in a good way, and yet it still comes out as condescending, or so we are told and then, their reply is also condescending.  To be honest I think it is best that we do not talk to each other, ha ha only kidding.

Bearing all things in mind though, how did people communicate before there was speech.  The animals have a way of letting us know what they want, so I guess that man was also the same in the beginning.

On the other hand did we grunt this and grunt that, our expressions must have been great, we must have chatted with our hands...ouch dont do that again.  Oh boy that must have hurt.  Now we say gently "dont do that" then we raise our voice and then we shout, well that is when we are possibly talking to the kids.  They do love to ignore us at times.

Oh my goodness Juan here, what ever is that woman going on about, I have been kept down here in the vaults of her mind all summer!!  Nothing to do, nothing to learn only that when it rains one gets wet, not me!!  Not on your nelly.  I have just been relaxing trying to get er indoors to think of something constructive, something whereby we will learn, no joy at the moment we are grounded!

Hey I have just found this bit, anyone interested in evolution:-

"Evolution is a touchy subject for some people.

But whatever your personal beliefs are, there is one thing we can all agree on:
The human race adapts to its surroundings.
When we found ourselves in darkness, we tamed fire.
When we wanted convenience, we harnessed electricity.
When we saw the need to travel, we rode horses, then invented cars, planes
and spacecrafts. 
Throughout history, every shift in our needs has been met with the creation or
discovery of a life-changing solution.
But what about today's dilemma?
How do we counter stress and fulfill the expectations of modern life?
How do we deal with information overload?
How do we channel our unique gifts towards improving our lives and the lives of
How do we fulfill ourselves on a higher level, when all our basic needs have already
been met?"

These words are obviously not ours but there is so much to think of if we want to stop and think.  Dont worry about being condescending, it is only a word.  Many a time we waste our thoughts on immaterial things.  Everyone has a gift of some sort whether it just be a caring one or something fantastic, a Scientist, a Brain Surgeon, a singer, an artiste.  So many things which we have found out in mans progression.  We do not grunt anymore, well not really, we understand or we try to.

There may come a time when we can just get the answers through our own efforts, we believe that this will be so but not for a long time.  The body is very heavy at the moment no matter what size we are, the mind controls it and thus the mind keeps us grounded.


Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Planetary Alignment

Having read a lot of Zecharia Sitchins books I find the above very interesting.  I do honestly believe that there is far more to life than meets the eye.  We tend to find our own little niche and then sometimes we find it hard to open our minds to other things.  We are comfortable just being.

We survive under all sorts of headings, each heading is important though as there are many under that same theme and who is to say which is the correct one.  To me the importance survives all things and each aspect is that of something far greater, therefore to a certain extent they are all correct but we have to combine them to travel to something out of this world.  The true meaning of us of ALL.

There are many pointers which have been uncovered through people like Sitchin, much can be made of the archaeology factors, the scientific values we just have to open our minds and not be afraid.

There are many authors who have tried to point the way to something else, there are many cultures which have had a greater truth than we sometimes perceive.  I personally like the Kuhuna aspect, the basis of their truth is "do no harm to another".  Hard at times we know as we are all on a learning curb.  Their values are worth reading though and they have been put together by Max Freedom Long.

Another aspect I have undertaken are the thoughts of Jose Silva.  Without any training, he worked from a very young age on the aspect of levelling the brain so that the left and the right are equal.  It is at this level we are able to learn by tuning into our own intelligence, something which can lead us to a far greater understanding. 

So we say these authors are in it for the money, of course they are to a certain extent but arent we all trying to make a living.  We have the right to say yes or no but if we deny ourselves their research perhaps we deny ourselves the pleasure of knowing and growing.  Their wealth can be ours, our spiritual progression if we are interested.


Well it began ok, lovely sun, the girls were able to go to the park and to sunbathe outside.  Dogs were able to wander around the garden and were no trouble at all but then, down came the rain.  Oh dear, thankfully we had a launderette handy to dry clothes.

The park itself has a lovely Leisure Centre with water facilities, these are a great favourite of the girls and as one can imagine, it was packed every day.

Sadly we have just read that a young boy has just lost his life through slipping off of a slipway, not far from where we were staying.  Such a young life gone just like that how the parents must be suffering.  It seems to me that the things I used to take for granted as a child, have become more dangerous.  I suppose as children we do not see the dangers but they have been there all of the time.

I used to spend hours in the sea and yet now I do not feel comfortable letting the girls do the same, consequently they have not had this experience.  My mother would pack up sandwiches which by the time we came to eat them were squashy but enjoyable.  We used to sit for hours on the sand, parents in deckchairs with mum dolling out the food.  By the time we finished our castles our sandwich would have a gritty taste.  Days gone by which we enjoyed.

No cars in those days so we would walk to the train station, quite a walk to begin with, we would then wait a while for the train.  Today it is an experience for the youngsters to go by train, indeed we are considering a treat and taking the old route to days goneby.  

Anyway back we came after a wet holiday and....arghhhhhhhhhh the how they had grown. Bless em at least we had a welcome home.

Our old bridge.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Keep Your fingers Crossed

Wow I am taking Juan away for a holiday, yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, wheres a smiley face.  Now if it rains it will be my fault, we know that, it is understood, but it makes me a bit dubious.  Anyway I have packed my boots, mac and am taking my umbrella. 

I always remember silly little things about my life, like when my hubby and I got married, they pulled the church down afterwards, duh!!!  After I learnt to drive the poor chappie popped his clogs  duh!!!  Several little things like that so it is no wonder that the rain follows me around.

Well I have several meditation tapes, I always take them and sit in absolute bliss, no worries, no cares, it truly is a good way to keep calm and to face the trials of life.  I would recommend it to anyone. 

I have been looking into a few self help forums but tbh I have to say that many are out just to make money.  On the other hand there are quite a few tips which can help us, it is just staying with it and getting results. 

One tip, which I can see how it works, for something good in your life, take note of the feeling, either rub your side or your face in rhythm to that feeling..  Now if you come across something disagreeable, try and emmulate the rhythm which you have for the good vibe.  To all intents and purpose you are telling your subconscious to accept this negative thing.  Naturally one has to be careful what one wants to accept.

There are loads of things we can do if we keep in touch with our subconcious that is why I am taking Juan with me, that is if I can find the key to the vault!!!  Gotta laugh eh!!!!

Ok folks, hope the weather stays good for you all, happy days........

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Do You Remember

Hi folks tis me again Juan, er indoors thinks I am locked up safely in the vaults of her mind but I have learnt telepathy so there.....

Well there is another piece to our little atom, we have to remember really that all words are man made, in the beginning there wasnt any thought at all, so where did the thought come from, that opens up a lot of avenues for man to discover.

Well just for the sake of the story we will call our little Atom "God":

So our little atom became "God" what a job eh!!  His task was to get the mass back to it's beginning, back to the "Whole" the whole of energy which had previously been floating around in peace.  I wonder how he truly felt, shall we tune into his thoughts, time had passed as we listen in.

"Blissful peace, gently floating, alone just me - I the great creator.  No only joking I am all alone, so peaceful, I do not want to create anymore, why should I spoil my peace, I wonder what they expect of me?

What do I care if they want the universe to go on, I am ok on my own, I have no worries, there is only me to consider.  His higher Lordship keeps on reminding me that the planet earth is lagging behind, it needs uplifting for the universe to fulfil it's destiny.  He made me "God" of the earth but all things I have tried to create have been thrown apart, none have worked.

I have separated my energies so many times each part occupying life upon earth.  I have tried to meet man's worth but have generally been let down so now I will stay on my own.  Enjoy my peace.  If only I could but they are compelling me to try again and again.  Please just let me sleep".

Interesting to see the Dog and the cat getting along together, I think sometimes the animals have more sense than humanbeings.

"God" was sleeping in his higher domain but
He was restless and decided to try again
He sent a spirit "The Saviour of Man"
He said, "now help them do the best that you can".

Man being man without higher views
Crucified him with almighty abuse
From out of this deed was planted a seed
Dogmatic religion thought it would succeed.

Alas alack man became greedy
Most thought of oneself, never the needy
Many a war has been fought in "his" name
But "God" could not judge for all were the same.

I believe that er indoors and I are of the opinion that all things upon this stage which we call life, is only a tiny spark of something which is ordained to succeed.  There will come a time when we will know but in the meantime we have to play out our own little beginnings and "endings" on this sphere of existence.  It never ends, we go on............Juan, time for a nap.......take care everyone....

Friday, 13 July 2012

The weather

Oh dear whatever are we going to do about our weather, it is a case of whether or not it is going to rain or shine.  Sadly the rain is winning at the moment.

How does it affect our moodswings, if it is sunny we feel we can do anything, we feel that we can pull out that weed, plant that seed but then, along comes the rain, is it good or is it not.  With too much the roots will possibly rot and we will have to begin all over again.

If we do not get out into our front garden, our bushes are going to take over, I personally love the privacy but at the moment it is just a little bit too much.  Darent make a start as it will rain again and then I will get the blame!  Always happens, everything is my fault.  If I decide to go on holiday, it rains, clean the outside windows, it rains.

I do not have any desire to go to a warmer climate and yet it would be so good just to have a little bit of sun.  I suppose we have to be thankful that it isnt snow, that is snow joke!!

In the papers this morning, it is saying that the rats are coming out of the sewers looking for food, hope we are safe with two cats because once again I hate the thought of killing anything but we cannot let ourselves be overtaken.